APEL for Credit Award [APEL.C] is the award of credits for prior experiential learning towards a course in an accredited programme of a higher education provider (HEP). Prior experiential learning is learning based on experience. It includes all learning which you have done up to this point which has not already been formally assessed.
These can be:
- life and work experiences (paid and voluntary)
- prior learning gained through community-based learning
- workplace learning and training
- continuing professional development
- independent learning

APEL.C UNIT @ International College IMPERIA
Join us at IMPERIA now and get your prior experiential learning recognised for credit award through APEL.C! The APEL.C assessment will determine the extent to which you have achieved the desired course learning outcomes for award of credits within a programme of study. Credit transfer up to 30% of total graduating credits of a programme of study!
Attend briefing by APEL.C Unit
* Read the APEL.C Handbook
* Sign Acknowledgement Form
* Fill-in Self-Assessment Form
Meet Advisor
Determine mode of assessment (Challenge Test or Portfolio)
Result Processing
Pass assessment > Credit Award
- Recognizes formal, non-formal and informal learning
- Encourages admission of adult learners to higher education programmes
- APEL.C: allows up to 30% credit transfer from total graduating credits
- Reduces repetitive learning
- Reduces the time to complete a study programme
- Registered students
- Local and International students
- Conventional or APEL.A route mode of entry
- No minimum age requirement
- Students must demonstrate an achievement of at least 50% of each course learning outcome to satisfy the requirement of credit awards
- The credit awarded is granted on the basis of the knowledge and skills acquired through formal, non-formal and informal learning and not solely on the basis of claiming the experience itself. It is the learning and not the experience of the students which is being evaluated.
- The credit award through APEL.C can be transferred automatically to another programme within IMPERIA if the course for which credits have been awarded through APEL.C has the same learning outcomes.
- The credits awarded must be equivalent to the credit value of the course applied for APEL.C. Award of partial credits will not be allowed.
- Credit award for a course are only applicable to the specific course applied.
- Credits are not automatically applicable to prerequisites (if any) of the specific course.
Learn more about APEL.C by contacting the Head of APEL.C UNIT
Ms. Bavani
Get in Touch
03-8081 6626 / 016-2440651
As a working adult studying part-time, time is definitely a challenge. APEL C at Imperia has allowed me to capitalize my previous working experience to be converted into Credit Award that helps to fast track my studies. This allows me to balance my time between career, studies, and family. I have graduated sooner than expected thanks to APEL C.

PEA 3850
Leveraging APEL C credits, I expedited my real estate studies with Imperia College’s support despite being a full-time working adult with a demanding schedule. Through Imperia’s robust APEL process, I can showcase my wealth of work experience, certifications, and professional achievements to earn college credits, accelerating my graduation and advancing my career rapidly. The college’s dedicated APEL advisors guide me through the assessment process, ensuring that my prior learning is recognized and credited appropriately. Imperia’s commitment to flexibility and innovation empowers me to tailor my learning experiences, making my educational credentials more relevant and applicable to my professional pursuits. I’m incredibly grateful for this innovative program, as it empowered me to effectively balance work, life and academic commitments, leading to a successful graduation and a brighter future.

REN 25894
The APEL C credit award at IMPERIA significantly boosts my real estate study journey by validating my extensive industry experience. It accelerates my progress by granting credit for my expertise, enabling me to focus on advanced coursework and specialized areas, ultimately enhancing my competency and career prospects in real estate.

REN 51875
As a working adult studying part-time, time is definitely a challenge. APEL C at Imperia has allowed me to capitalize my previous working experience to be converted into Credit Award that helps to fast track my studies. This allows me to balance my time between career, studies, and family. I have graduated sooner than expected thanks to APEL C.

PEA 3850
Leveraging APEL C credits, I expedited my real estate studies with Imperia College’s support despite being a full-time working adult with a demanding schedule. Through Imperia’s robust APEL process, I can showcase my wealth of work experience, certifications, and professional achievements to earn college credits, accelerating my graduation and advancing my career rapidly. The college’s dedicated APEL advisors guide me through the assessment process, ensuring that my prior learning is recognized and credited appropriately. Imperia’s commitment to flexibility and innovation empowers me to tailor my learning experiences, making my educational credentials more relevant and applicable to my professional pursuits. I’m incredibly grateful for this innovative program, as it empowered me to effectively balance work, life and academic commitments, leading to a successful graduation and a brighter future.

REN 25894
The APEL C credit award at IMPERIA significantly boosts my real estate study journey by validating my extensive industry experience. It accelerates my progress by granting credit for my expertise, enabling me to focus on advanced coursework and specialized areas, ultimately enhancing my competency and career prospects in real estate.